It’s wonderful to have love and a vision for souls, as we must have a vision for the value of a soul. However, let’s be sure that God is calling us to be where we are... when we’re supposed to be there!
If you go some place that God hasn’t clearly directed you, it can do greater harm or cost you your life, which brings no glory to God. Unless you have confirmed it in Scripture, taken it to prayer and the Holy Spirit has given the peace to go, the need does not constitute the call. Be sure that you are being led by the Lord!
Watch out for the carnal mind! It isn’t led by God... it’s against God. The word enmity means it has declared war with God. It cannot please God.
The sin of presumption is a very dangerous sin!!
It means you are assuming that God is telling you to do something that you haven’t received His blessing to do.
God isn’t interested in Lone Rangers. We are called the Body of Christ and Jesus is the Head. We are the members, and if possible, we must first secure tremendous prayer backup to go where God leads us.
If you’ve taken it upon yourself to do something He has not clearly called you to do, the Lord may not intervene on your behalf when you’re in a position of needing help. You must repent and turn away to be released from the situation. You’ve got to know if God is calling you to do something and if He calls you, He enables and He equips. There is no power without the power of God. Our mission must be under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, energized, directed, and in total obedience to the Lord.