Psalm 139:14-18

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Guest Book Testimonials

Dear GodsBom.Com

WOW!!! What powerful prayers (Prayers From The Heart). So humbling and truly from the heart, continuing to seek our Lord's presence, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. They brought me to tears. Thank you, Thank you! I love this website and come here as often as I can (most times daily) to teach/inspire me in my walk. 


Rainbow City, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

I would like to thank God for his ENDLESS LOVING KINDNESS and His amazing Grace. Also, for the awesome woman of God who God continues to use as a vessel of honour in these last and evil days. Around two years ago I lost a spouse to cancer and was forced to become as single mom and raise my children in a single parent household. God has truly proved Himself to be a keeper to those who wanna be kept, faithful, and true. A couple of months ago I began to struggle with issues abandonment, hopelessness, grief, loneliness, and found myself in a place I never dreamed of being in thoughts of suicide and a feeling of brokenness. No one knew what I was struggling with, then again sometimes no one sincerely cares. BUT GOD....Will never leave you or forsake us used a wonderful woman of GOD to bring me the most anointed pie I ever tasted in my life. As I began to eat the pie I felt the power of God restoring me and healing places that were hurt. For me that was my life saver pie in that moment... SHE WAS MY ANGEL!!!! God is an on time GOD. Yes He Is!!!!!


Dear GodsBom.Com


Thanks for proving once again that "with God ALL things are possible"! I'm so proud of you and I've been blessed by the words you have shared on this site! Stay on the wall!



Dear GodsBom.Com

I am overjoyed by your blessing. As a new-comer to this Christian walk, I can't help but tell the world how much of a blessing you've been to me.. About a year ago I was a lost soul dealing with childhood sexual abuse, failed marriages and low self-esteem. I truly believe you were an angel sent from God to give me hope because the day I was planning to end my life you came out of nowhere, said a few encouraging words that changed my mind and my life....all I know is God is real and you helped me see that...To God be the Glory!!!!!


Dear GodsBom.Com

God is an Awesome God!!!! Thanks for allowing God to use you what an awesome tool to reach HIS people,and yes with Gods help and assurance I am the BOM.COM!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!!...I will be back to see whats new...(:-)...Great Job!


Petrena "Penny"

Dear GodsBom.Com


Praise The Lord!!! The website is AWESOME!!! I'm glad you are online and I look forward to the progress!!!



Dear GodsBom.Com

Thank you for reminding me, that I AM fearfully and wonderfully made and created in His Image. I Thank The Lord for blessing me to be connected to you, a ~praying ~lovable ~caring ~Woman of God! I believe this website will be very helpful, encouraging and uplifting for me and others because we ARE His masterpiece in motion... GodsBom.Com



Dear GodsBom.Com

God is so amazing! No matter where you are day or night He is up and ready to talk or listen. This website is a blessing. Sometimes we just get tired of the same old stuff and need some shaking up. Thanks, the website is so beautiful.



Dear GodsBom.Com

Thank you and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for walking with you and your website to inspire all women. Amen.



Rainbow City, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

I just wanted to share how awesome this site is for all women of all ages. I do know this information will encourage young and mature women. I am a mother of three small girl's and I want them to know God's view of them, instead of them adopting the world's and other people's views. This is my prayer for everyone!!!!! What a timely message; it has and is needed, thank you!!!


Oxford, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

GOD is Great! Tobe, I am so proud of you! You are a beautiful person on the outside and well as the inside. You not only talk the talk, but unlike so many others you actually walk the walk! You have taught me so much about the LORD MY SAVIOUR.



Anniston, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com


It is awesome to see the vision God gave come to pass. May this site be one where many will visit and experience God in a special way.




Dear GodsBom.Com

I enjoyed you and your husband at our prayer breakfast this morning. It was an awesome move of God. A most excellent website! May God receive All the Glory! Take all care!



Anniston, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

Praying for the Holy Spirit to draw the ladies to this website!



Oxford, AL                                                                                                                

Dear GodsBom.Com

Awesome site! I look forward to visiting again in the near future... Blessings!




Anniston, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

I enjoyed checking the out the website and will be on every day form this point on! 


Gadsden, AL

Dear GodsBom.Com

I love your site! It's so inspirational! I know God is going to continue to lead and guide you to inspire women through His word. 


Dallas, TX